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In 1862 Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act opening one half million square miles of territory for settlement. Over 150 years later, we strive to carry on that same independent spirit, as modern homesteaders.
How to Can Green Beans

How to Can Green Beans

Canning green beans is one of the best foods to start with if you are new to canning. There are very few ingredients needed when canning green beans and the process is fairly simple. By the time you finish canning your green beans you will be familiar with some of the...

10 Things You Should NOT Put in Your Compost Pile + BONUS MATERIAL

10 Things You Should NOT Put in Your Compost Pile + BONUS MATERIAL

Are you interested in starting a compost pile but feel a bit leery of the whole process? Well, don't worry, because you are in good company! In this article I hope to ease some of your concerns and explain 10 worst things to compost and also 10 best things to compost....

10 Reasons to Choose Raised Bed Gardening

10 Reasons to Choose Raised Bed Gardening

  Are you trying to decide how to plant your garden this year? Maybe you have heard that a lot of people are using raised garden beds instead of using the traditional garden methods. There are some very good reasons why they are doing this. In this article we'll...

10 Proven Tips to Keep Deer Out of Your Garden

10 Proven Tips to Keep Deer Out of Your Garden

Deer are fun to watch because they are graceful and keen creatures, but if given the opportunity they can eat up your whole vegetable garden in no time at all. Use these 10 proven tips to keep deer out of your garden while still enjoying them on your property. I hope...

21 Worst Mistakes Beginner Gardners Make

21 Worst Mistakes Beginner Gardners Make

Are you wanting to start a garden this year? Give yourself a head start by avoiding these 21 beginner gardener mistakes. Gardening can be fun and rewarding but also challenging. Let's get started! 1. Starting Out Too Big First garden? Let's Go! As a beginner gardener...

Income & Expense Report | January 2019

Income & Expense Report | January 2019

Why are we sharing our income? Let me start by saying, the purpose of this income report is not to brag about how much money we’re making from our YouTube channels and website. Trust me, it’s nothing to brag about! Julie and I decided to take this crazy adventure of...

Finding Your Perfect Homestead  Land – The Ultimate Guide

Finding Your Perfect Homestead Land – The Ultimate Guide

Finding land to homestead on can seem like a daunting task, at least it did for us. The United States is so large and there're so many great places to homestead. How could we choose just one? Today, I’m going to take you through the process that we used to find our...

How to Use Wood Ashes in the Home and Garden: The Ultimate Guide

How to Use Wood Ashes in the Home and Garden: The Ultimate Guide

Many people nowadays don't give much thought about how to use wood ashes in their home and garden. With the invention of electricity our society has learned to depend more and more on electric heat and less and less on wood heat. But, there's a rising trend of people...

How to Stack Firewood for the Best Results

How to Stack Firewood for the Best Results

Stacking firewood is not only a necessary part of heating your home with wood but it can also be a great outlet for artistic expression. Stacking firewood may seem like a pretty simple thing, but how and where you stack it is more important than you might think....

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