Do you want to leave the rat-race behind and become financially self-sufficient? It takes courage and ingenuity to become your own boss, but rest assured you will be rewarded for your efforts!

Here are 25 ways to make money on your homestead and give you the financial freedom to enjoy the lifestyle you dream of. Take advantage of the skills and resources you already have and use them as money making options. They are listed alphabetically. Let’s get started!

1. Airbnb

If you live in a town that attracts tourists, you may want to consider opening your home to Airbnb. You can offer your own home or build a small cottage/apartment that is set aside just for renting out. One of the great things about Airbnb is that you can choose to block out any days you don’t want to rent it. If you are planning on being out of town or won’t be around to manage your guests you can just say that those dates are not available. Many people choose to stay in an Airbnb over a hotel because it is much more personalized. This can be a great way to bring in some income on your homestead.

2. Apple Orchard

I grew up in Northern California going to an apple orchard every Fall with my family. It was so much fun! There was much more there than just apples on a tree. There was ALL things apple! Apple pies, apple jellies, caramel apples, apple cider, and more! Get creative depending on the size of orchard you have. If you have a large area you can open it up for other vendors to come and sell their homemade crafts too. You can provide activities for children such as face painting and corn mazes. Of course sell apples too, but don’t limit the experience by thinking too small.

3. Auxiliary Dwelling Unit

Typically on your property you will be allowed to have an additional dwelling unit. For example, on our property it can be up to 900 sq. ft. You might take this opportunity to build a small cottage/cabin/apartment, that you can rent out on a long term basis. This is a great option because it is much lower maintenance as compared to an Airbnb that has a high turn over rate, which requires more hands on attention from you. You can rent your small dwelling out in a 6-month contract or even a 1-year contract. Another great thing about this option is that you may find a renter you really enjoy and can help keep an eye on your property when you need to go out of town.

4. Blog

Create a website and write articles about your homestead or specific skills. You can make money on your website by allowing ads to be placed on your articles. You can also make money through affiliate programs where you direct your readers to certain products and you receive a commission if they make a purchase. Amazon has an affiliate program as well as many other companies that you can join. You put a lot of effort up front by creating content and writing great articles, but then you can sit back and allow your article to make money for you.

5. Boarding Animals

Having a pet is a joy but also a responsibility. Many people like to travel but can’t take their pet with them. Sometimes emergencies come up and people need to find a temporary care facility for their pet. An alternative for people asking a friend to watch their animal while they’re away is for you to offer your homestead as a place where people can board their animals. You will need to provide a secure sleeping area, exercise time, feeding, bathing, etc. Pet owners will want to know that their animal is going to receive good care while they are away.

6. Dog Stud Services

Many breeders want to improve their current female dog’s quality. If you have or want to purchase an above-average example of that breed, you can offer him for stud service. If the owner of the female is local, she may only stay for a couple of hours, but if the owner is from out of town, you may need to board the female for as long a week. You will need to be sure that she is safe while in your care and cannot be bred by any other males while she is with you.

The price you choose to require will be based on the breed of dog you have. You should offer a stud service contract which includes the fee, any requirements you have for the female, who is responsible for costs associated with the mating, the number of puppies you guarantee, and what you will do if the breeding doesn’t result in a liter.

7. Dried Fruit

There are some really neat dehydrators on the market these days! Dried fruit is very popular especially with hikers and campers. You can sell your dehydrated fruit in one type of fruit or create a fruit melody or even add nuts and create a trail mix. As always, don’t forget to add your label so people will know where to come back for more!

8. Dude Ranch

Is your homestead on a beautiful piece of land surrounded by wilderness areas? Do you have horses or plan to in the future? If that sounds like you, why not consider opening a Dude Ranch  on your property? People who come to a Dude Ranch enjoy many activities including horseback riding, mountain biking, archery, cooking classes, nature walks, canoeing, rock climbing, and many more fun activities. Visitors love staying at a Dude Ranch because they get to improve on some of their skills as well as take part in activities they may have no experience with yet. Opening a Dude Ranch is a great money maker especially if you live in a tourist friendly area.

9. Eggs

Why not sell your chickens’ farm fresh eggs? Most people are only too eager to purchase eggs that they know are fresh. How much you charge your customers will depend on your area so do some comparing to know how much is reasonable. Also, the size of your eggs will effect how much you choose to sell them for. If you have regular customers, you can ask them to bring back their empty egg carton to be reused. You may decide to have people pick their eggs up themselves or you can hand deliver. If you have a logo, you may want to stick it on the carton so that your customers remember where they bought their eggs from. Be sure to clean your eggs prior to selling them. People frown on dirty eggs. It makes them very unappealing.

10. Farm Stay

There are many basic life skills that have not been passed on from generation to generation. How many people know where their food

comes from? On your Farm Stay your guests will learn to care for chickens/sheep/goats/rabbits, butcher them, and prepare the meat into a savory meal. What about vegetables? On your Farm Stay teach people how to plant a garden, tend it, and cook delicious meals with those vegetables. Teach as many skills as you like and your guests are interested. If you have cows, why not teach them to milk them, and then make butter, cheese, yogurt, or ice cream out of the milk? Your guests will love their experience and want to return again and again.

11. Firewood

Do you need to clear some trees off of your property or have acreage you want to set aside just for timber? You can cut, split and season that wood and sell it locally for firewood. People love to burn local firewood because they don’t have to worry about undesirable pests and diseases infecting their own trees. Sell your firewood in front of your house or to a nearby campground. Out of town campers always need firewood for their campfires. You can sell it in bundles and make a pretty penny.

12. Fun Farm

If you are open to having people on your property you can build a Fun Farm for families and school-aged children to come and enjoy for the day. Charge an admission price that includes all activities such as corn mazes, slides, swings, small animal petting zoo, pig races, etc. People will love spending time outside playing and learning about agriculture. You can even have a concession stand and a gift shop to sell your own handmade items. Be as creative as you like. You can charge a separate price for larger activities such as making something they can take home or an activity that requires you to spend more to provide it. Offer special discount days for homeschool groups or school classrooms. It will be so much fun for everyone!

13. Honey

Most people love honey and it is believed buying local honey is great for people with seasonal allergies. Keeping bees will require you

to purchase materials right away to get the venture started. You will need personal safety equipment like a veil, beehives, either a new or one that already has bees living in it, as well as extracting equipment to harvest your crop. There are many more things you will need such as wintering equipment, but those will get you started. After you get going you can make a fair amount of money selling honey. I have seen some beekeepers sell their honey for $20 per pound! Be sure to check that your neighborhood allows bee hives. You don’t want to bother your neighbors or be in violation of your counties laws.

15. How-To-Workshops

What do you do really well on your homestead? Why not turn that into a way to bring in income for your family? Believe me there will be someone, maybe lots of someones who want to know what you know how to do. Invite people by word of mouth, Facebook ads, newspaper ads, etc. to your home for a few hours to learn your skills. I know of people who teach how to make artisan breads, cupcake decorating, essential oil techniques, an much more. The list is only limited only by your imagination and skills.

15. Jams and Jellies

The fruit from your bushes and trees can be turned into beautiful gifts for people to buy for themselves or give to friends. Jelly is made from the juice of the fruit while jam is made with the pulp or the whole crushed fruit. Be sure to stick your label on the can so they remember where they purchased that tasty spread!

16. Jerky

Do you love to hunt? Why not bring home a little extra meat to sell and bring in some more income for your family. Jerky is not a cheap thing to buy in the store and people will pay a lot for good jerky. There are many ways people make jerky. You can make jerky in the oven, dehydrator, or even your smoker. Get creative and try lots of recipes!

17. Lotion

Goat milk isn’t only great for drinking, making ice cream, cheese, or yogurt, but it also makes great lotion. Goat lotion is loaded with vitamins and minerals and makes a terrific moisturizer. It is known for sooting dry and damaged skin because of its anti-inflammatory effect. If you have ever eaten at Cracker Barrel and used their sample goat lotion in their bathroom then you know exactly what I am talking about. It feels wonderful on your skin. To give you an idea of what people are making off of their lotion I have seen it sold in 4 oz bottle for $6 as well as 1 gallon tubs for $35!

18. Meat

There are many options for meat animals that you can raise on your homestead. You could choose to raise them for your own families meat needs and/or sell them as well. Some options you might consider are chickens, goats, pigs, cows, sheep, fish, or rabbits. You may decide to raise only one option or a combination of animals. As you are making your decision you will want to research how much care that animal requires and what the expected output at harvest will be. Some meat animals like chickens will not require near as much space to raise as opposed to raising cows.

19. Milk

Dairy goats usually produce more milk that one family can use so why not sell your excess milk or create other dairy products such as goat milk ice cream, cheese, or yogurt. I was skeptical of goat milk ice cream at first, but after I tried it, I couldn’t taste any difference in flavor compared to cow milk. Many people who can’t tolerate cow dairy products turn to goat dairy products so you might find a good market in your community.

20. Pick-your-own-berries Garden

This is obviously a seasonal option, but so much fun and so tasty! Plant thornless berries, provide some small buckets and allow families to make a day of picking delicious berries right off the plant. You might decide to charge a one-time admittance fee or perhaps charge by wight or per bucket full. Of course you will have people eating as they pick too, so a entrance fee might be a good idea as well as a fee for what they wish to take home. Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries all would make a very fun pick-your-own-berries garden!

21. Pumpkin Patch

People love to load up their family and go pick pumpkins together. This is a great activity especially for families with small children. Provide wagons for children to ride in and load their pumpkins in. You can charge by the weight of the pumpkin or one general price for any size. Families also love pumpkin patches because they make a beautiful setting for taking Fall pictures. You could offer you pumpkin patch as a set for professional photos to be taken and charge a one time fee. Provide a concession stand with some hot cocoa and hot apple cider to add to the family experience.

22. Soap

If you are raising goats you may want to consider purchasing dairy goats and using their milk to make creamy goat milk soap that you can sell. There are several goat breeds that you might consider. The Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Alpine, LaMancha, and Saanen are just a few. Each breed is a little bit different and you might find you prefer one over the other. People love goat milk soap because of its creamy lather and skin-loving properties. Goat milk is known for forming a barrier on the skin to help keep moisture in. Sell it locally to your friends and neighbors or set up an online business.

23. Vegetable Garden

If you have a green thumb why not use that talent to plant some for your family and extra to sell to your friends and neighbors. People love buying fresh local produce, especially at a Farmers Market. You could set up a booth, sell your produce and meet friends and neighbors in the process. Try to pick vegetables that people are unlikely to find at their grocery store. Some things you might consider doing would be to label your prices clearly, provide recipe suggestions for vegetables that are uncommon, and offer samples of vegetables that people might not have heard of before.

24. Wood Crafts

If you enjoy working with wood, why not consider turning your hobby into a business. There are so many possibilities for what you can create. You can take your creations on line to sell them, at a local market, even some of your local shops might want to display or sell your items for you. Here are just a few ideas to get you started: coasters, cutting boards, jewelry boxes, rocking chairs, bird feeders, picture frames, etc.

25. YouTube

Sharing your knowledge and experience through videos on YouTube is a great way to educate people and make money. It doesn’t cost you money to start a YouTube channel and it doesn’t require a whole lot of equipment. What you need is a camera/smart phone, editing software and an internet connection. You make money on YouTube through the advertisements that Google places on your videos as people watch. You can choose to focus your videos on one particular aspect of your homestead or an all encompassing look at your homestead. If you have a project you are working on, make some short videos about it and upload them on YouTube. You’d be surprised at how many people are interested in what you know how to do.

So, which of these options hit home with you? Maybe it’s not just one, but a combination of ideas. I encourage you to be creative and dream! Don’t dream small, DREAM BIG! Do you have a different idea not mentioned on my list that you can use to make money on your homestead? Please write your idea in the comments below so that I and other readers can be blessed by your ideas!

Hope you have a great day and keepsm:)ing!

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